Sunday, March 16, 2014

Knowledge Discovery Platform

There are so many names we have in the industry for the Datawarehousing and Business Intelligence applications.

Stared with
  • EIS (Executive Information System)
  • DSS (Decision Support System)
  • DW (Data Warehouse)
  • BI (Business Intelligence)
  • BIDW etc
So, what is the name I can give for the same DW.....

Being a technology resource, I always find difficulty explaining technology people why we should learn this technology. On the other hand its easy to explain it to business people as they look on what is the benefit I get when I use it. When we show them the case study which they never thought about it or how the current problem in the company can be solved using technology then they understand the system and the ROI.

Here you go....... "Knowledge Discovery Platform"

So what is DW, its a platform which enables business with more knowledge (business) which they don't have it now. May be they have questions, but the IT landscape does not have solution which can provide the information with in a reasonable time.

Why we call it as platform, the system utilizes various technologies like ETL, Storage Layer, Reporting / Visualization, Data Mining etc

Bottom line is understand why we are building, what is the ROI for the business, what is the value IT provides (business value) etc. All the others keep changing.


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